

I rejoice in the drama, in the moody, in the joyful, the gritty, the elegant. I live an oxymoron and I sleep in the fantastic. Once a writer, and perhaps still one, I settled in the doldrums of adulthood. And now I’m bored. Bored and vain and with a penchant for entertaining and a talent for long-winded storytelling with a killer punch-line.

*Yeah, so I’m not actually that serious. But I love the way that bullshit sounds. In reality, I’m a razor-tongued, drowning-in-debt, wannabe yuppie/hipster, with an unhealthy attachment to my rescue dog and poor taste in men, (who all happen to be ridiculously charming and pretty hot).

This blog illustrates the life I live when not paying the bills: One of midnight cookie baking and wine drinking, thrown-together dinner parties, impulsive travels, and dreamt up versions of self.

Stay awhile. And if anything, at least try my lavender lemon poundcake.



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